
air to ground中文是什么意思

  • 空对地的



  • 例句与用法
  • A calculation model of minimum launch range for air to ground missile
  • Agm air to ground missile
  • Vertigo bombers are the most powerful air to ground unit in the game . they are effective against ground troops more - so than firehawks , however it takes 5 vertigo ' s to take out a tech center ( for comparison , it only takes 4 firehawks )
    眩晕轰炸机是最强大的攻击地面单位的空军,对付步兵也比火鹰更强一些,不过炸掉一座高科需要5架眩晕(与之相比,火鹰只要4架) 。
  • The remote sensing refers to air to ground one , namely from different working platform far away the ground ( for example gao ta , balloon , airplane , rocket , the artificial earth satellite , spaceship , aerospace craft and so on ) , through the sensor , exploring the information ( radiation ) to the earth ' s surface electromagnetic wave , and after the information transmission , processes , estimation and analysis , it can be regarded as a kind of comprehensive technology of surveying and monitoring earth ' s resources and its environment
  • Based on mono - pulse radar system and the analysis of terrain echoes , a geometrical model of air to ground ranging is constituted . by using the signals received from the sum and difference channels of terrain follow radar , a group of the expressions for terrain echoes are educed and characteristics of these echoes are obtained . according to the characteristics of the echoes , the theory and method of pass zero detection of difference channel and its applications are discussed in detail
  • 其他语种释义
  • air to groundとは意味:{形} : <→AIR-TO-GROUND> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {副} : <→AIR-TO-GROUND>
  • 推荐英语阅读
air to ground的中文翻译,air to ground是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译air to ground,air to ground的中文意思,air to ground的中文air to ground in Chineseair to ground的中文air to ground怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
